Here is the color chart to be used with your color variants.
There is a quick lookup option by using your web browser's find function for the copy and paste method of the color name.
Then once you found the color you need, just type in the exact color name, when inserting your color variants for your products
Find Function as follows:
Windows: Crl + F
Mac: Command + F
AliceBlue |
#F0F8FF |
AntiqueWhite |
Aqua |
#00FFFF |
Aquamarine |
#7FFFD4 |
Azure |
Beige |
#F5F5DC |
Bisque |
#FFE4C4 |
Black |
#000000 |
BlanchedAlmond |
Blue |
#0000FF |
BlueViolet |
#8A2BE2 |
Brown |
#A52A2A |
BurlyWood |
#DEB887 |
CadetBlue |
#5F9EA0 |
Chartreuse |
#7FFF00 |
Chocolate |
#D2691E |
Coral |
#FF7F50 |
CornflowerBlue |
#6495ED |
Cornsilk |
Crimson |
#DC143C |
Cyan |
#00FFFF |
DarkBlue |
#00008B |
DarkCyan |
#008B8B |
DarkGoldenRod |
#B8860B |
DarkGray |
#A9A9A9 |
DarkGrey |
#A9A9A9 |
DarkGreen |
#006400 |
DarkKhaki |
#BDB76B |
DarkMagenta |
#8B008B |
DarkOliveGreen |
#556B2F |
DarkOrange |
#FF8C00 |
DarkOrchid |
#9932CC |
DarkRed |
#8B0000 |
DarkSalmon |
#E9967A |
DarkSeaGreen |
#8FBC8F |
DarkSlateBlue |
#483D8B |
DarkSlateGray |
#2F4F4F |
DarkSlateGrey |
#2F4F4F |
DarkTurquoise |
#00CED1 |
DarkViolet |
#9400D3 |
DeepPink |
#FF1493 |
DeepSkyBlue |
#00BFFF |
DimGray |
#696969 |
DimGrey |
#696969 |
DodgerBlue |
#1E90FF |
FireBrick |
#B22222 |
FloralWhite |
ForestGreen |
#228B22 |
Fuchsia |
#FF00FF |
Gainsboro |
GhostWhite |
#F8F8FF |
Gold |
#FFD700 |
GoldenRod |
#DAA520 |
Gray |
#808080 |
Green |
#008000 |
GreenYellow |
HoneyDew |
#F0FFF0 |
HotPink |
#FF69B4 |
IndianRed |
#CD5C5C |
Indigo |
#4B0082 |
Ivory |
Khaki |
#F0E68C |
Lavender |
#E6E6FA |
LavenderBlush |
#FFF0F5 |
LawnGreen |
#7CFC00 |
LemonChiffon |
LightBlue |
#ADD8E6 |
LightCoral |
#F08080 |
LightCyan |
LightGoldenRodYellow |
LightGray |
#D3D3D3 |
LightGreen |
#90EE90 |
LightPink |
#FFB6C1 |
LightSalmon |
#FFA07A |
LightSeaGreen |
#20B2AA |
LightSkyBlue |
#87CEFA |
LightSlateGray |
#778899 |
LightSteelBlue |
#B0C4DE |
LightYellow |
Lime |
#00FF00 |
LimeGreen |
#32CD32 |
Linen |
#FAF0E6 |
Magenta |
#FF00FF |
Maroon |
#800000 |
MediumAquaMarine |
#66CDAA |
MediumBlue |
#0000CD |
MediumOrchid |
#BA55D3 |
MediumPurple |
#9370DB |
MediumSeaGreen |
#3CB371 |