Listing Your Items

Q: Product Variant - one item varient




Just Bid Live is now introducing you to the product variant section.

You are now able to add product variations to your classified/standard listings.

First login to your account by pressing the login button on the top right of the website,
or you can log in by pressing the Sell Button also.


On your top right, you will see the SELL button, click on that if not already on the sells page (classified listings)

Add photos

Select Category

Select Sub Category if required

Add product arrival / delivered by time frame

Add product name

Write in your description

Add quantity

 Add price

Add your SKU, which is required.

Now you will notice the variant section. 

Varients are additional product listings related to the main product. 

You can add variants such as product Sizes / Colors or even different metrics.

First Example is Electronics USB sizes.

You press add variant. 

You will see option 1, in which you label your variant name. For this example, it is DIsk Size.

Then on the right, you type the different variant labels.
You type in the options and press the comma or tab button, on your keyboard.
If a mistake was made, you can press the X button on the list.


For this option, we can now press the Submit Button.

Now we are getting started. 

You will now see your variant list.

Update the SKU / Price / Quantity (You can delete a variant with the trash can icon)

You can now add images by pressing the image preview icon.

Here you can upload your images and select the variant type. (also images that you had previously uploaded in your product will also display here)

Select and then save.

Now Save your product insert


Now your product display will look like this


Now customers can select which item variant to purchase.  





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